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Tenga Egg muna masturbaator
  • Tenga Egg muna masturbaator
  • Tenga Egg muna masturbaator
  • Tenga Egg muna masturbaator
  • Tenga Egg muna masturbaator
  • Tenga Egg muna masturbaator
  • Tenga Egg muna masturbaator
  • Tenga Egg muna masturbaator

Tenga - Egg Ona Cap Masturbaator

8,95 €
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Järjekordne revolutsiooniline TENGA sekslelu meestele, EASY ONA-CAP EGG. Naudi!

Naudi fenomenaalset TENGA EGG ribadega erinevate tekstuuriga masturbaatoreid. Need väikesed iludused on venivad ja sobivad kõikidele suurustele. Lihtsalt paki lahti, lisa kaasasolev libesti, tõmba otsa, venita ja naudi!

Täiuslikud reisile kaasa võtmiseks – pista nad taskusse ja naudi ükskõik millal ja kus unustamatut orgasmi. Kasutamise ajal soojeneb materjal kehatemperatuurini. Vaatamata sinu suurusele sobib Tenga muna sinu kehaga suurepäraselt. Iga TENGA EGG sees on üliveniv elastomeer. 

Suurus: 53 x 53 x 70 mm

TENGA EGG seksilelusid on erineva sisemise struktuuriga, et pakkuda erinevaid kogemusi. Sobib nii kingituseks kui reisile kaasa võtmiseks!

Tenga Egg Lovers – kaunid musta, roosa ja šampanjakarva valge mustriga, pehme ja paindlik masturbaator meestele

The TENGA Original Soft Eggs:

Twister - Sensual lines of satisfaction swirl from top to bottom in the Twister Egg. Moving towards the end gives you delicious squeezing sensations and twisting it with each stroke is simply phenomenal.

Stepper - Containing numerous rounded wedges facing up and down, the Stepper Egg provides constant stimulation. With each stroke the soft detailing massages your shaft bringing you closer and closer to the edge!

Silky - Delicate ribbing wraps around the inside of the Silky Egg. Randomly intertwined, each of these smooth lines embraces you like silk.

Spider - Covered with a ribbed spider-web pattern, the Spider Egg is one of the most vividly stimulating! The all over texture provides 360-degree pleasure, no matter how you use it.

Wavy - When the large and soft waves travel over your head and shaft, it creates remarkable trembling stimulations. Enjoy the Wavy Egg as it stretches to surround and accommodate you completely.

Clicker -With a wealth of patterned nodules and nubs in different sizes, shapes and textures, the Clicker Egg is one of our most popular. Stroking it up and down, twisting it left and right or squeezing and releasing provide extraordinary sensations.

TENGA Eggs Hard Boiled: 

Surfer - Riding the lows and highs, these big wave stimulations are perfect for all thrill-seekers. With accentuated nubs for those surprise drops, see if you can control this gnarly ride!

Shiny - A rising Sun in the center of the EGG will awaken any slow riser, with a surprising presence to put a gleaming smile on your face. It's radiating ribs stimulate around your shaft for a wild and unrelenting sensation!

Cloudy - The thickest of the TENGA EGG Series creates a cloud formation to drive you wild. With a rebounding sensation from its cloud-like walls, lose yourself in it's cushiony softness.

Misty - The microscopic nubs that adorn its entire inner surface create a veil of sensations that flutter along your shaft in a cloud of comfort. Lose yourself in this mist of steamy sensations as it takes you gently to a gradually building stimulating finish!

Thunder - Firm, vertical lightning edges provide a strong, sharp sensation. Feel the peaks and troughs of thunderous sensations as you stroke up and down, or twist around the head for the full effect of these large, defined ribs.

Crater - The rumbling sensations of these crown-like details collide against your shaft for a tremulous exhilaration. The indented surfaces of the cratered nubs offer adherence from all angles, and their concave shape provides an optimal surface to entangle lubrication.

NEW! TENGA Cool Edition - A new way to beat the heat!

The COOL EGG from TENGA houses a transparent gel interior with TENGA's popular ice-cool menthol infused lubricant! Featuring the popular WAVY's internal details, you can now cool off this summer in a brand new way! The COOL EGG comes in a blue case, with TENGA's COOL Branding as an eye-catch! The internal elastomer is also transparent, adding to the ice-cool feel of the item.

NB: Designed in Japan for single use. However, with careful use/cleaning and more lube, your TENGA Egg should be good to go again!

Eneserahuldamine on nüüd veelgi nauditavam kui kunagi varem! Revolutsiooniliselt uudne munakujuline EGG masturbaator jaapani firmalt TENGA.

Tõmba otsa, venita ja naudi!  Superlahe kingitus

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