Tom Of Finland
Tom of Finland sekslelud

Tom Of Finland

TOM OF FINLANDi homoerootiline fetiš kunst on maailma erutanud juba 60 aastat, mõjutades geikultuuri kõrgelt stiliseeritud kujutistega hüper-mehelikkusest. Nüüd on kõigil meestel võimalus endaga tükike TOM OF FINLANDi voodisse kaasa võtta. TOM OF FINLAND TOOLS pakub ikoonilistest piltidest inspireeritud kvaliteetseid sekslelusid. Hõlmates nii üksi lõbutsemiseks, kui ka paaridele mõeldud sekslelusid, sisaldab see kollektsioon põnevaid ja unikaalseid sekslelusid, näiteks peeniserõngaid, libesteid, ülisuuri dildosid ja bondage tarbeid. Iga Tom of Finlandi sekslelu sisaldab erilise kingitusena ka eksklusiivset TOM OF FINLANDi kunstiga kogumiskaarti. Igast TOM OF FINLANDi sekslelu müügist läheb osa tulu TOM OF FINLANDi Sihtasutuse toetuseks, mis kaitseb, säilitab ja edendab erootilist kunsti.

Aktiivsed filtrid

The Little Book of Tom. Military Men. Kõvakaaneline raamat, 192lk

Stand at attention with this pocket-sized army of free, proud, masculine fantasy men committed to pleasure and male camaraderie. With multi-panel comics and single-panel drawings and paintings, as well as personal photographs and sketches, The Little Book of Tom: Military Men celebrates the artist’s most iconic vision of masculine perfection.1
27,95 €
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Laos olemas (Eros Butiik)

The Little Book of Tom. Cops & Robbers. Kõvakaaneline raamat 192lk

Criminal justice never looked so good as in this pocket-sized collection of Tom of Finland’s favorite tightly uniformed cops and suitably butch criminals. Multi-panel comics and single-panel drawings and paintings are contextualized with sketches, reference images, and personal photos of Tom.
27,95 €
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Laos olemas (Eros Butiik)

The Little Book of Tom. Bikers. Kõvakaaneline raamat, 192lk

Tom of Finland fell for Marlon Brando as The Wild One and created a fantasy world of hyper-masculine motorcycle outlaws – loving other hyper-masculine outlaws. Get your hands on his avatar Kake, and over 200 more leather-clad hard riders – and we mean hard – in 192 compact pages.
27,95 €
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Laos olemas (Eros Butiik)

The Little Book of Tom. Blue Collar. Kõvakaaneline raamat, 192lk

Get beneath the tight jeans of Tom of Finland’s working-class heroes with this pocket-sized package of blue-collar lovers. With a brawny lineup of multi-panel comics and single-panel drawings and paintings, as well as photographs and sketches, this neat little book explores the tough physical types who fascinated Tom since his very first crush.
27,95 €
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Laos olemas (Eros Butiik)

Tom of Finland. The Complete Kake Comics. Kõvakaaneline raamat, 704lk

The complete adventures of Kake, Tom of Finland's dark-haired, mustached leatherman, who travelled the world on his motorcycle to spread the seeds of ecstatically explicit gay sex. See Tom's own personal fantasies lived out in these 26 episodes of mustaches, muscles and liberated libido, now some of the most famous cartoons in the history of gay art.
29,95 €
Vaata lähemalt
Laos olemas (Eros Butiik)