Pjur - MyGlide 100 ml
    • Pjur - MyGlide 100 ml

    Pjur - MyGlide 100 ml


    Pjur - MyGlide 100 ml

    Some like it hot. pjur® MyGlide, the lubricant with the double effect for women. The water-based lubricant was specially developed to excite, arouse, and stimulate the female body. The unique combination of ingredients in pjur® Woman Aqua, including natural ginseng, comfortably increases the blood flow. Of course, as with all of pjur's products, pjur® MyGlide is dermatologically tested and extremely gentle to your skin. pjur® MyGlide sends a wonderful tingly and warming sensation through the body. This stimulating and warming lubricant increases sensitivity and makes the best thing in the world even better.

    100 ml

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