Pherostrong By Night For Women 50 ml Feromoonidega Parfüüm
    • Pherostrong By Night For Women 50 ml Feromoonidega Parfüüm
    • Pherostrong By Night For Women 50 ml Feromoonidega Parfüüm
    • Pherostrong By Night For Women 50 ml Feromoonidega Parfüüm
    • Pherostrong By Night For Women 50 ml Feromoonidega Parfüüm
    • Pherostrong By Night For Women 50 ml Feromoonidega Parfüüm
    • Pherostrong By Night For Women 50 ml Feromoonidega Parfüüm



    33,95 €
    Laos olemas (Eros Butiik)



    Everybody wants to:

    • Increase sex drive of the opposite sex, enhance desire, become irresistible

    • Be a passionate lover, electrify the senses and charge imagination

    • Create a positive and unforgettable impression, be in the center of interest

    • Be considered reliable and dependable

    • Be a successful and effective professional

    • Be respectable and appreciated

    • Be happy, loved and fulfilled

    • Be successful in life​


    Fragrance notes

    Head notes: pear, orange blossom, pink pepper
    Heart notes: jasmine, coffe
    Base notes: vanilla, patchouli, cedar

    The composition inspired by music is based on the aroma of sweet coffee. It reflects the secrets of desire, sensuality and openness in the approach to life. A combination of warm and spicy notes of vanilla, pink pepper or cedar. Wood aroma will make you feel like a queen of the night. Show your mystical side and surprise everyone. It is a scent created for modern women who are looking for electrifying adventures that respond to their innermost desires.

    PheroStrong Pheromones – Your Secret Weapon
    Pheromones clearly act as sexual attractants. Through the use of pheromones you can get more attention and become more sexually attractive than others. Experts say that people using pheromone perfumes have a more fulfilling sexual life as they are more easily able to attract partners.

    Heavy use of soaps and detergents can strip away your natural sexual attractants. You can enhance your natural pheromones signals with supplemental pheromones signals

    Female pheromones

    Estratetraenol (estra-1,3,5(10),16-tetraen-3-ol) – odorless even in very high concentrations, it has a very stimulating effect on men.

    Copulines – a group of volatile short-chain fatty acids (from C2-C5). Copulines are natural hormones secreted by the human female vagina during ovulation. Copulines have huge effects on men.

    Pherostrong brändist

    PheroStrong loodi eesmärgiga peegeldada brändi ainulaadsust. Keskenduti täiusliku feromoonide valemi arendamisele, kombineerituna spetsiaalselt valitud, tipptasemel lõhnaainetega, et rahuldada isegi kõige nõudlikumaid maitseid.

    PheroStrong pakub laia valikut feromoonidega tooteid, sealhulgas parfüüme, massaažiõlisid ja feromoonikontsentraate, nii et igaüks leiab midagi enda jaoks.

    PheroStrong feromoonid on armastatud suunamudijate poolt üle kogu maailma, tagades, et iga kohting on edukas ja iga väljakutse saavutatav.

    Mõistmine, kuidas feromoonid töötavad kooskõlas õige lõhnakoostisega, võib avada tohutuid võimalusi.

    Koge omal nahal, kuidas igapäevased isiklikud ja professionaalsed suhted muutuvad peale Pherostrong feromoonide kasutamist. Pane tähele, kui lihtne on eksameid sooritada või uusi sõpru ja kaaslasi ööklubis leida.

    Proovi järele, kas PheroStrong lõhnade feromoonid aitavad äratada vastassoo iha, elektrifitseerida meeli ja rahuldada soove ilma piiranguteta. Saa enesekindlust ja uusi sõpru, saavuta professionaalset edu, suurenda töö efektiivsust ning naudi ümbritsevate inimeste lugupidamist, tunnustust ja usaldust. Saa edukaks koos PheroStrong feromoonidega!

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