Sensuva - X On The Lips
    • Sensuva - X On The Lips
    • Sensuva - X On The Lips
    • Sensuva - X On The Lips
    • Sensuva - X On The Lips

    Sensuva - X On The Lips Bubblegum

    28,95 €
    7 рабочих дней


    Sensuva - X On The Lips Bubblegum

    A delicious kissing balm, that has a buzzing and tingling feeling when applied. It contains a high grade of pheromones that attract. When kissed with X On the Lips, the feeling of energy and the tingling effect are transferred to your lover.

    Inside is a Kissing Guide with all sorts of fun kisses to try and enjoy like "The Spiderman Kiss" and "The Smash & Grab Kiss". Just a fun great product!

    2 gram

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